My Game: Storyboard and synopsis

My Game 

Storyboard and synopsis 

this part of creating my game for me personally was very simple this is because i'm used to writing short stories. it is very important to a game or any form of media that is consumed by the public to have a good story, this is because a good story along with good game-play can turn a game from from a generic 2D plat former to and 'Oscar worthy' play-through, i got the idea of using an engaging story for my game from games like metal gear solid 2, spec ops the line, planescape: Torment and silent hill which have ether generic game-play or simple bad game-play but because of their phenomenon story lines people can not only excuse the game play but still rate them highly simple because of the story-line. 


the pictures above are the storyboards i'm going to use, each one would be shown on a different level and all joined together created a simple but intense story of john's time inside the House from Hell. 


A down on his luck professional writer has to write a book detailing hunted places in and around his city, starting with the House from Hell, however not only is he uninterested in the project, as an atheist he also does not even believe that ghosts exist, so he believes all he has to do is stay one or 2 nights in these hunted places for research and write the truth about them. 
