My game
Tittle screens
a good tittle screen can become as memorable as the actual game however a bad tittle screen can not only become forgettable but can effect the actual game, that is why i went out of my way of finding a few features that would make the tittle screen perfect, from my point of view and hopefully the player as well.
videos and music
first i looked into several videos starting with the power of music which greatly explains how much music can emotionally manipulate a player into feeling a certain way before the game starts and whilst in the game, there are a few examples used in this like: dearly beloved from kingdom hearts; Halo 2 main title screen theme; fable 2 tittle theme 2 and the legend of Zelda ocarina of time tittle theme and the common theme of all these "themes" is that from the very beginning it gets the player emotionally involved just from the music its self which makes the game more engaging before it even starts. ( these are the links to each of the themes i mentioned: , , , )
the second video i looked into was from the same person who explains not only the death of video game box art but also the importance of said box art, the example he uses as the perfect box art which i completely agree with is the heavy rain box art in Europe, this is people its simple but tells you in its own way what the game is going to be about, for example the origami as a center piece, darkness getting bigger and the rain fading the words out.
using these two video i will develop a tittle screen which shows whats in the game in the most minimal way by adding a simple image of the character wearing a trench coat and smocking with a smug look on his face, next i would add the building hell be entering in the background and lastly i would make sure the tittle screen is bright and simple at first but develops as the game continues.

the images i got inspired for the main character where from fear the walking dead poster which tell the development of the main male character from a worthless addict to someone who does what needs to be done and i want to portray something similar in my tittle screens.
this is the semi-complete version of the tittle screen i am going to add in my game, as you can see from the images i made show they change every few levels. i am also going to add different themes for each one of these to create the mood for the player for each part of the story.
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