Production first edition

the first thing i did before making my game was make a plan of which tasks i was going to complete from: the level deicing, script and what information would be added in the levels as shown through my power point presentation, this plan involved me adding in levels i had drawn out as seen in the images below.

as you can tell in the first few levels i planned on using an object collision to add in instances like music and health deteriorating and warning the player that they have a limited amount of time to complete the puzzle, the intent of this was to give of an intense atmosphere and the music was to build up tension for later levels.

after a while i realized there would be to much repetition if i just left my levels with the same kind of system (even though each level design was different) so instead i opted to add in a constant enemy in the later levels that chases the player down and some levels that repeat them selves forcing the player to make quick decisions to escape, and still try to find a way out of the maze before he dies.

the next thing i did was create a story board and synopsis which changed multiple times from a full story about a man just trying to escape to a more complex story about a man who finds someone in the maze and tries to survive with  him and how their relationship changes over time. the storyboards below show how they looked at first to how they looked after i finalized them.

this is how they looked when they where finished as you can see there is more information on them and they actually tell somewhat of a story: 

Production Sprites: first edition

after i did the pre production work, the first thing i did when working on game-maker was create the first 5 sprites that i was going to use constantly throughout my levels, and i edited them by clicking on each sprite and Edit sprite to make them unique in the game and in the objects drop down.

the wall and ceiling sprites where difficult to make and i did use references from google wall background and even though its not perfect I'm still continually updating them and even adding moving walls. 
this is how the current wall and ceiling sprites look as you can see i changed them a lot from the wall background above for many reasons like wanted them to work with my game's atmosphere so i need them to be a gray colour:

Production objects: first edition

this where the objects i used for the first part of my game as you can see i only used one wall object instead of 2 this is because in the code which i used later on i specified which sprite to use when i run the game. also the reason why i had my player object have an outline of red was to make it stand out from the other player objects that i later added on. 

the next stage of my game was coding, having some experience of coding from software engineering i, and using several YouTube tutorials from: simple 3D dungeon, game-maker tutorial 3D games and setting up 3D basics. To get code for my walls, player and ceiling.  


in walls i added the create and draw events and in the create i added a randomize variable which changes wall sprites in the game game every once in a while to give more variety to the walls when the player is walking through the dungeon. to make this work in the actual game i added a draw feature using the code D3D which allows sprites and objects to be viewed in 3D. this small code would be used in the entirety of my game in different ways. 

for the player i added the create and step events instead of the draw event and in the player's step event i again added the D3D code which was d3d_start(); this allowed the player to see everything in the game in 3D. after that i set initial variables for the player, ceiling and walls  which where z,dir and the target variables to allow the 3 objects to work together to create a perfect 3D word. 


finally for the ceiling i did something similar as i did for the walls which was adding in the create and draw events to create the floor and the ceiling for my game the only difference was in the draw event i had to add the D3D draw code and the variables i added to my create event for my player to create the floor and ceiling. 
in order to actually play the game i needed to add in the walls objects and the player object as i would have when making a normal 2D game however i did need to change some of the settings like change the global game settings on macros and enable use of views to only a certain amount of the screen.

 first errors 

after i finished everything i launched my game and got a few errors including variable errors where i didn't add the variables right which i quickly solved. however after solving the simple errors i did get a gray screen with no errors and for a while i didn't know what i was doing wrong and no one could help in class or in any tutorial or even google i started to think it was impossible to have a 3D game in game-maker 1.4, but after a while i figured out that i need to change my player sprite to use for 3D i also needed to take the solid option off my walls and ceiling and finally i needed to change my depth for my player object to the highest amount which was 10,000. 
