Learning basics in Unreal Engine 4

Learning basics in unreal


in this new project to begin with i first had to had the simple mechanics i had to have knowledge of in order to used unreal engine the first thing i learned was making landscapes on unreal engine.
the first thing i did to make this was go on unreal engine click on create new landscape and choose the location and the material for the landscapes.

then to add more detail to the landscapes, whilst on models tool i got 3 options manage, sculpt and paint, in Oder to add more detail i had to concentrate on the sculpt and paint tool which gave me extra options to flatten circle or linear which made the mountain.

whilst on the flatten tool i could change the settings to the tool to change the strength and the mode of the flatten tool to give more variation to the mountain landscape.
after learning how to create a landscape through unreal engine we learned how to create landscapes using Photoshop the first thing we did was set the Photoshop document's height and width using a 2048 by 2048 pixels, as that is how its going to look unreal engine. then we made sure the background color for the document was black otherwise when it was imported into unreal engine you wont see it.

after that i used the tool available for me on Photoshop in order to get the right shading on the 2D version of what the mountain would look like when its imported into unreal engine as you can see from the image i used lighter shading as it got closer to the middle, which would reflect how the mountain would look like as seen in the image below: 

to get that mountain from Photoshop to unreal engine i had to import it which was relatively simple you click on models, manage, import from file and select from your documents the file that you just made from Photoshop. 

basics of unreal engine

after learning how to landscape i learned the basics of unreal engine before me and my partner began on our game, in each lesson i began to master the basics like: blue print combinations, sound design and ai movement. 

blue print combination 

in order to learn blue prints i used the knowledge given by my teachers and these 3 videos below to learn what blue prints where and how to use them to create effects such as ai movement, climbing system and all other elements that where implemented into our game. 

sound design

having sounds implemented into unreal was simple the first thing we did was import the sounds from soundation to unreal engine then in order to have them into your game you simply had to drag the imported sound into the world as seen from the image.

in order to change the depth and volume of the sound i had in the world i had to change the radius and fall off distance in the attenuation drop down this made the sound louder the closer you got and quieter the further.

Ai movement

 for AI movement i learned most of that using the knowledge i had gained from the blue prints lesson and this video which thought me the basics of ai movement and how to make them more complex. my partner used the same video and some websites in order to create the moving AI in our game.

although this thought me the more complex way to build AI the easier way to do it was using this blue print which reacted basic ai that moved throughout your map. to get an idea for this blue print u used this website: "https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Engine/AI/BehaviorTrees/QuickStart/6" which gave me the idea for the simple ai blue print. 
